Sunday, May 12, 2013



Almost every time I sit to eat I take time, a breath, say a prayer.  Give thanks.  I pause.  Awakening the sacred within the moment.  Becoming more conscious, I begin to recognize the importance of the stillness - however long.  Do you ever find yourself at the end of the day, exhausted, wrung out, barely able to catch your breath?  Wondering where the day went?

This is why I connect back to the prana, the sacred life in food. I take the opportunity to create ritual within the everyday pedestrian act of eating.   I have made a pact with myself and in essence the lifeforce I am renewing myself with - the food, to pause, recognize my amazing body, how fortunate I am, and proceed in gratitude.

Taking this brief time will boost digestive functioning, increase nutritional absorption, strengthen the immune system,  activate creativity.  By acknowledging the sacred in my everyday life I am healthier, happier, and I have more confidence in myself.

Creating a space dedicated to honoring these sacred elements in life.  A table with flowers, affirmations, a candle, incense, photos, mementos.  Just a place where I pause, breathe, allow the beauty of life to inspire me, uplift me.  A place where I remind myself how awesome I am and how much I love my life! Inviting loved ones to join me, sharing a blessing, a breath, a moment.

From the food I eat to the way I drive down the road.  From the internal self talk to the exquisite feeling of water running over the body.  I pause * I pause * I bow *  Building this sacredness from the inside out.