This week I met with a new mom (19 weeks) who has a strong Vinyasa practice. We sat down to talk about....what do I do now? What is happening to me? Why can't I do what I used to do? What should I change? I listened to her anxieties: the extreme changes her body is going through to create a new life and the sometimes extreme adjustment it takes to get used to it.
Moms have shared with me:
- the inability to think clearly, aka "momnesia"
- soreness in places you didn't know could be sore
- anxiety
- insomnia
- fear
As yoginis we are on a constant quest for the Self. Through all experience, emotional influences, and physical challenges we search. So through this intense, amazing, and unique experience of pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood you will continue along your path on your quest.
The constant throughout life is breathing.
That's all.
Give yourself and your child the gift of prana.
Refill your cup.
To find classes with DeLora and refill your cup,
visit Hill Country Yoga.
visit Hill Country Yoga.