Thursday, October 6, 2011
As I sat before the circle of wide eyed children singing and gesturing to the tune I saw the beauty and possibilites before me. As we chatted about the meaning of the song - as it is partially in Gurmuhki - I asked them what the teacher within says to them. A blonde headed girl across the room from me says 'that I am a fairy'.
Indeed, our teacher within SHOULD stoke the flames of our imaginations, the inherent magic in our being. What can we dream, how can we shape our lives, create who we become in the world without the inner inspirations?
Finishing our discussion about our inner teacher we touched on love, kindness toward others and our selves.
Yoga keeps the magic alive in all of us! Call in prana, chi, energy, chakras, nadis ....I'll just call it being a faery.