I have been teaching a class for kids on the autism spectrum for a few months now up in north Austin and have just recently added another couple of classes at Big Sky Pediatric Therapy Clinic. The manifestation of autism has a broad range. The kids in my north austin class (Sundara Yoga Therapy Fri's 6-6:30) come with their parents and we all do yoga together. It has been fascinating watching the kids (& their folks) benefit from the yoga. We meditate at the end of class and have been doing Sa-Ta-Na-Ma with the hands held at the level of the ears as we touch each finger tip in succession with a syllable of the mantra. None of them could do it when we started - three months ago.
At this point ALL of them can do part of it. This is a huge accomplishment for kids on the autism spectrum - following directions, fine muscle coordination, and body awareness. My heart overflows with happiness as I watch them all struggle with the mudra (hand movement/positions) and the mantra because I know as we struggle - we grow, we refine ourselves, we vibrate with bliss, joy, the universe, eventually attaining samadhi. It is beautiful.
So as we move through our lives and we ourselves struggle, or those around us struggle we can find the deeper meaning of these times. They are golden opportunities to know our eternal selves, the I that lives beyond the body, circumstances, and limitations of life on earth. Pure love, perfection....Wahe Guru!!!